The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) received an application to register the trademark
DURAK DURATEX on Thursday, January 16, 2025.
The USPTO has assigned this trademark, DURAK DURATEX, the serial number 99002193.
As of Thursday, January 16, 2025, this trademark filing's federal status is designated as 630.
The trademark DURAK DURATEX falls under the Yarns Threads category and is associated with the service description of:
"Yarn and threads made of nylon, recycled nylon, texturized nylon, polyester, recycled polyester, texturized polyester, cotton, mercerized cotton, acrylic, for textile use; regenerated cellulose thread and yarn; flush thread and yarn; polypropylene thread and yarn; reflective thread and yarn; bonded thread and yarn; meta aramid thread and yarn; para-aramid thread and yarn; conductive thread and yarn; silver thread and yarn for textile use; PBT thread and yarn; glitter thread and yarn".
Status Date
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Registration Number
Registration Date
Mark Drawing
0 - Unknown Mark Drawing Code
Published for Opposition Date
Trademark Statements
Description of Mark
The mark consists of the grey stylized word "DURAK" followed by a red circular shape having a wedge cut out of the left portion of the circle and a diamond cut out of the middle of the circle, all of which appears above the black stylized word "DURATEX"; the color white represents background and is not claimed as a feature of the mark.
Indication of Colors Claimed
The color(s) grey, red, black is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.
Goods and Services
Yarn and threads made of nylon, recycled nylon, texturized nylon, polyester, recycled polyester, texturized polyester, cotton, mercerized cotton, acrylic, for textile use; regenerated cellulose thread and yarn; flush thread and yarn; polypropylene thread and yarn; reflective thread and yarn; bonded thread and yarn; meta aramid thread and yarn; para-aramid thread and yarn; conductive thread and yarn; silver thread and yarn for textile use; PBT thread and yarn; glitter thread and yarn
Translation of Words in Mark
The English translation of "DURAK" in the mark is "station".