The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) received an application to register the trademark
GPRGTWZERS on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
The USPTO has assigned this trademark, GPRGTWZERS, the serial number 99046546.
As of Tuesday, February 18, 2025, this trademark filing's federal status is designated as 630.
The trademark GPRGTWZERS falls under the Hand Tool Products category and is associated with the service description of:
"Oyster openers; Disposable tableware, namely, knives, forks and spoons; Biodegradable cutlery, namely, knives, forks and spoons; Eyelash curlers; Tweezers; Can openers, non-electric; Table knives, forks and spoons for babies; Baby nail clippers; Curling irons, non-electric; Manicure implements, namely, nail files, nail clippers, cuticle pushers, tweezers, nail and cuticle scissors; Table cutlery, namely, forks, spoons, knives".