The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) received an application to register the trademark
LINVASIVE on Thursday, February 20, 2025.
The USPTO has assigned this trademark, LINVASIVE, the serial number 99048535.
As of Thursday, February 20, 2025, this trademark filing's federal status is designated as 630.
The trademark LINVASIVE falls under the Medical Instrument Products category and is associated with the service description of:
"Instruments for minimally invasive surgery, namely, hooks, spatulas, retractors, clamps, scissors, needle holders, graspers, knot pushers, blades with holders and introducers, rongeurs, instrument holders, endoscope holders, endoscopes, trocars, suture rulers, linear scalers and sizers, cadioplegia needles, vessel hooks, suture catchers, magnetic retrievers and scalpel blade holders".