The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) received an application to register the trademark
SUN VA SIGNATURE on Thursday, February 20, 2025.
The USPTO has assigned this trademark, SUN VA SIGNATURE, the serial number 99043987.
As of Thursday, February 20, 2025, this trademark filing's federal status is designated as 630.
The trademark SUN VA SIGNATURE falls under the Clothing Apparel Products category and is associated with the service description of:
"Lawn and garden tools, namely, cultivators||Biocides, germicides, bactericides, virucides, fungicides, insecticides, pesticides and herbicides||Printed matter, namely, paper signs, books, manuals, curricula, newsletters, informational cards and brochures in the field of agriculture||Clothing, namely, shirts||Advertising and business management consultancy||Soil conditioning preparations; Plant hormones for root growth".
Status Date
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Registration Number
Registration Date
Mark Drawing
0 - Unknown Mark Drawing Code
Published for Opposition Date
Trademark Statements
Description of Mark
The mark consists of the word "SUN VA" in white, with a sun symbol between the letters "N" and "V." The sun is depicted as a circle with triangles surrounding it, also in white. The "A" in "SUN VA" features a green leaf substituting for the horizontal line of the letter. Below "SUN VA," the word "Signature" appears in a script typeface and is colored green. The logo is set against a black background.
Goods and Services
Lawn and garden tools, namely, cultivators
Goods and Services
Biocides, germicides, bactericides, virucides, fungicides, insecticides, pesticides and herbicides
Goods and Services
Printed matter, namely, paper signs, books, manuals, curricula, newsletters, informational cards and brochures in the field of agriculture
Goods and Services
Clothing, namely, shirts
Indication of Colors Claimed
The color(s) black, white, green is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.
Goods and Services
Advertising and business management consultancy
Goods and Services
Soil conditioning preparations; Plant hormones for root growth
No claim is made to the exclusive right to use Signature, apart from the mark as shown.